Why can you choose Cel salt therapy with the Schüßler Tissue/ Cell salts at Reset Emotions in Ansac sur Vienne, Charente, France? I chose to apply Cell Salt Therapy in my practice because you can also work on physical, mental and emotional complaints with Cell Salts. Emotions are at the root of all “disturbances” of body and mind. At Reset Emotions, you can work on this purposefully with Jin Shin Jyutsu, and the Cell Salts. Every time I work with the Cell Salts or just read about them, this makes me incredibly happy. You can “literally” use it for everything. The Schüßler Cell Salts bring balance, strength and support.

What are cell salts?
Schüßler Cell Salts are mineral salts or mineral compounds that also occur in the body. They are absorbed through the oral mucosa and go directly into the cells. Cell salts according to Dr Schüßler are rubbed six or twelve times depending on the number and additionally charged and are thus so diluted and fine that they can be directly absorbed by the cell. We therefore call them fine minerals. The Schüßler Cell Salts ensure that the balance in and around the cells is restored, so that the cells become healthy again. It supports the body’s self-healing ability.
A lot of people eat healthily and also take supplements. These are called crude substances. Due to imbalance in and around the cell, minerals cannot be absorbed, or cannot be absorbed properly. The Schüßler Cell Salts help to restore the balance so that the minerals contained in our (healthy) food and any supplements can be better absorbed.
For example, if you are angry, sad or under stress, the body uses a lot of minerals at that moment. If you have experienced things in the past and have not been able to process this properly, then this continues to cost the body a lot of minerals in order to somehow maintain the balance, so that the body can function. So if, due to circumstances, there is less absorption or more utilisation and excretion of mineral salts, this can create an imbalance of available working and building materials for the body’s tissues. If tissues cannot function properly for a long period of time, then (chronic) illnesses can occur and problems with the immune system, among others.
See below for an overview of mineral salts.

Cell salts numbers 1 to 12 are called the basic cell salts. These are most common in the body.
The cell salts number 13 and higher are called the higher cell salts. These can be used if a finer tuning is needed. If applicable, the higher salts can also be used directly. The higher salts are supportive and add an extra dimension. The higher salts almost always need the basic salts for support.
An example of basic salt number 7 Magnesium Phosphoricum: I woke up and suddenly had severe cramps in my calf and couldn’t sleep. I went downstairs and took six pieces of number 7. (always letting two dissolve in the mouth at a time and then the next one). Then I could go back to sleep peacefully. Now, for now, I take four pieces of number 7 every night before bed. Further applications of number 7: sleeping problems, stress, constipation, sudden cramps, menstrual pains, an overloaded nervous system, migraines, inability to relax, all kinds of addictions, strong cravings for chocolate.
As an example of the higher salts, I mention cell salt number 25. Its main processing areas are the heart, the female sexual organs, the liver, major cycles, blood pressure imbalance, everything with the heart, anxiety and despair. Of course, this salt is also there for men. Among other things, it helps them to be able to experience their inner state and to be able to move on from there. Cell salt number 25: Aurum Chloratum natronatum can be seen as cell salt number 8 with a plus. You should see it as a radiant sun shining on water.

A few weeks ago, I used cell salt number 25 myself and really felt the sun in me. A few days later, something special happened that I really attribute to using this salt. More on this in an upcoming blog on my website.
Another example of the higher salts with Cell Salt number 23 Sodium Bicarbonate. This salt brings together things that seem opposite to each other. For example: during lockdown, I was very much struggling with the two extremes for me regarding lockdown. On the one hand, I had faith that things would eventually work out, and on the other, the threat of restriction of freedom, complete control, and mandatory vaccinations. I was constantly going back and forth between these two extremes. Sometimes I would feel positive for two to three days and then another day partly gloomy. I finally took Cel salt number 23 for this, and I actually noticed the difference after just one day. I can now keep two books open at the same time, as it were, both with a different story. I can read a section in one book one moment and a section in the other without getting out of balance. So I can deal with contradictions better now.
Further applications of number 23: acid-base balance, connective tissue complaints, joint pain, everything is too much, not feeling acknowledged, fear of flowing with life, muscle cramps, rheumatism, fatigue syndrome, hypochondriac depression, hypersensitivity to atmosphere, etc.
Both Cell salt number 23 and number 25 can be used without basic salts. Dosage: of number 23 is three to six per day and of number 25, one to six per day. This is as needed. Personally, I did combine them with the basic salts I needed at the time.

This is how I, too, keep making progress in my personal processes. I know that not everyone thinks like this, is ready for this, or is working on it, but you are here on earth to learn. The meaning of life is gaining experiences and learning from them, so that you keep moving forward in the process. The true meaning of life is to express your beautiful true self more and more. You get closer to yourself step by step and you will see that life gradually becomes easy.
What can you do with Dr. Schüßler cell salts?
It works to support all kinds of complaints such as: allergies, anxiety sweats, osteoporosis, fears, hay fever, acidosis, thyroid, for the skin, fatigue, auto immune diseases, for the heart and other organs, colds, iron deficiency, sleep problems, detoxification and cleansing processes, aches, muscle pains, fatigue, joint complaints, rheumatism, osteoarthritis, arthritis, concentration problems, diabetes, osteoarthritis, allergies, energy deficiency, rheumatism, calluses, mouth ulcers, asthma, bronchitis, electro-smog, intestinal problems, dry skin, etc.
Work on emotional issues, such as not being able to protect yourself properly, being insecure, not being wanted, feeling inferior all the time, being done with it, being stuck in structures, having trouble making decisions, being sad, being angry, not being able to feel well, suffering from trauma, not being flexible, being too rigid, having to control everything, having problems with responsibility, poor resilience, avoiding problems, difficulty letting go, being bothered by family patterns and things from your childhood, not feeling supported, it always happens to me, etc.
You can also use the Cell Salts alongside your usual medication. It then works supporting and regulating, because Biochemistry according to Dr Schüßler only provides the body with its own mineral substances. These minerals occur naturally in the cells. The body will deploy the cell salts offered where there is a need, so that the body’s processes can regain their own momentum.
Better absorption of food.
It increases your quality of life and helps you with your personal processes.
You feel more comfortable in your skin, get more energy and have an easier time in life.
If your complaint or wish is not listed, feel free to ask about the possibilities via the contact form.

In acute complaints, you use many cell salts briefly. For example, for pain, you use Cell Salts number 3 Ferrum Phosphoricum. You take 2 tablets at a time in your mouth and let them melt. As needed, when they are gone, you can take new ones until the pain subsides. After that, you can take it as a support e.g. 3 to 2 a day.
For a sudden runny nose, take Cell Salt Number 8 Natrium Chloratum. I then usually take 4×2 tablets right after each other and it stops. It can work that fast. In older – and seriously ill people, the metabolism is slower or severely stressed, so it is wise to take smaller amounts per day. You can start here with a very low amount (one-third or one-fourth of the indicated amount) and gradually increase this until the desired effect is achieved. If you dose too high, there is a chance that the body will move too fast and too much at once.

How is the treatment going.
During the consultation, I focus on your request for help. I ask you all kinds of questions and in the process can also read in the face which cell salts you need. A shortage of cell salts can be read first in the face. From the face, you can read a person’s inner state. The facial analysis is done on the basis of external features, such as colour, folds, lines, bulges.
Using my inner knowing, the answers to the questions, the things you say and the facial analysis, I determine which cell salts you need. Then I test which combination of cell salts you need most at the moment and the quantity. Just because what you see in the face does not mean it is what you need at that moment. The minerals in the body are in a certain order in relation to each other. The things you have experienced and are experiencing constantly change this order. During the consultation it becomes clear where you are at that moment and what your order is at that moment, so we can start working from there. Next time, you will see that the order has changed again and that other salts are partly needed.
A consultation with analysis costs 60 euros. It takes about an hour and a half.
N.B. A treatment should be seen as an addition to regular health care and not as a replacement for it.